Wednesday, February 10, 2010

relationship Troubleshooting

It may sound funny but problems in any relationship can be accurately pinpointed by using a fool proof method

recently i was thinking

there are times when we feel what the heck is wrong?? why isnt it working out??

well if you are facing the same scenario think of it this way
it is just another system

1. Verify your inputs ---> check whether your Expectations from your better half are believable/acceptable/permissible

2. Verify whether the system is able ---> things such as length of the relationship,closeness etc etc

3. if there are no problems in 1 and 2 then start troubleshooting

select one variable of the problem at a time

vary it keeping others constant see its effect on output

for eg: if your better half says no to go out with you

1st variable distance ask her to come to a less distant place

2nd time

3rd place

.. u got the point.. i hope

4. sometimes individual variables dont cause the problems
this happens in rare cases

here make logical groups of variables and change them to see effect on output

try it to see it work

or you can just get a life

i tried :|

both :D

-Nilesh J Sakpal

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