Thursday, September 6, 2012

Letting fear drive you.. making the climb..without the rope... RISE!!!

The wonderful feeling, the goosebumps we get when we see bruce wayne climbing out of the well...Its not because we like christopher nolan or christain bale or the batman concept altogether.

Ofcourse we love all these things... :P, but the reason for having these goosebumps is because we feel that inside everyone of us lies a tired, marred, beaten bruce wayne wanting to achieve something great. Something we believe we cant do, something we want to do more than anything, something extraordinary.

We want to climb out of the well of mediocrity and rise to greatness.. to satisfaction..with the desert sun shining on our face.. after a long session with the dark, damp well.
After a series of failed tries to climb out of the well, the blind man (possibly the most influential character of the film.. :P) advises bruce to make the climb without the rope... so that the fear of dying will make him push harder.

Now i thought ..hmmm. I am not batman (atleast not in public) and being a normal human, living a normal, adventureless (if you count out the local trains and the crowded buses) life, fear of death doesnt sound that realistically motivating to me.

So which is the fear that can drive me?? and I got the answer some days back... its the fear of being mediocre, fear of getting lost in the crowd, fear of dying a nobody...

So, unless you are batman (which you are not .. because I am :p) make this fear your driving factor, let it control what you do.

Panic, be under pressure and keep this fear in front of you... why wont you deliver?

Go ahead.. make the climb... without the rope                        

-Nilesh J Sakpal :)