Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dorabella Cipher :)

The Dorabella Cipher is a letter written and enciphered by Edward Elgar to Miss Dora Penny (the letter was accompanied by another dated July 14, 1897). She was never able to decipher it and its meaning remains unknown to this day.

The cipher, consisting of 87 characters spread over 3 lines, appears to be made up from an alphabet of 24 symbols, with each symbol consisting of either 1, 2, or 3 approximate semicircles, oriented in one of 8 directions. The orientation of several of the characters is ambiguous. A small dot, meaning and significance unknown, appears after the fifth character on the third line.

A count of the 87 characters reveals a symbol frequency very close to that that would be expected if the cipher were a simple substitution cipher, based on a plain text in English, but attempts to decipher it along these lines have so far proved fruitless, leading to speculation the cipher may be more complex.

the above given image is the real dorabella letter cipher in case u are able to solve it plz giv it in comment so i can publish it and take the credit :D

on a more serious note if u happen to solve it u would be held in one of the grtest of the brains in the mathematical society

Nilesh j Sakpal

1 comment:

  1. u sure shud try this out......who better genius than u dude...
    luv n luc.
