Sunday, March 20, 2011


"If the idea does not seek to be the word, the chances are that it is an evil idea. If the word is not made flesh it is a bad word."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

"It is not locomotives, but ideas, that drive and carry the world."
Víctor Hugo

"Ideas are not mute paintings on a chalkboard; an idea, as such, includes an assertion or a negation of something."
Baruch de Spinoza

"If a man risks nothing for his ideas, it is either that they are worth nothing, or that the man is worth nothing."

"A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds."
Mark Twain

"What drives and carries the world forward are not machines but ideas."
Víctor Hugo

"Ideas light each other like sparks of electricity."
Johann Jakob Engel

"Ideas are not responsible for what men do with them."
Werner Heisenberg

"Ideas don't last long. Something has to be done with them."
Santiago Ramón y Cajal

"Great ideas are those that surprise us most because we didn't think of them earlier."
Noel Clarasó

"Ideas move the world only if they have previously been transformed into emotion."
Elizabeth Taylor

"Ideas lie above nationalities, motherlands, and governments."
Eduardo Haro Tecglen

"The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself."
Bernard Baruck

"As long as there is someone who believes in an idea, that idea will remain alive."
José Ortega y Gasset

"We would never have come to many of our own ideas, had we not held long conversations with others."
Noel Clarasó

"In searching for words we come to ideas."
Joseph Joubert

"To innovate is to find a new or better use of the resources already at our disposal."
Peter Drucker:)

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