Tuesday, June 2, 2009

letter to myself

my best friend

its actually an unexpected move to write to you since there was never any place for formality between us.

you were with me when i had no one. together we discussed the greatest of the life's tragedies and shared funniest of the jokes.

you were the first one to know whenever i had a problem, whenever i had a fight with someone to whenever i liked someone and somehow you were always eager to know.

together we planned sometimes those plans worked sometimes they flopped

together we have seen and experienced and felt the best of the things

you know what i like and dislike and you always strive to keep me happy don't you

i have been in many embarrassing situations till now

you were the one that laughed at me every time , and taught me to laugh at myself

you have also patted on my back when i got a job done, or when i won something, but equally said "chal ab jyada khush mat ho :D"

and when i lost you said losers lose winners get experience :D

you have been my best friend, my counselor , my teacher
you always guide me to do whats right but somehow i always manage to compromise :D

so sweetu don't think i ever ignore you

i can never do so

in my life even if i lose everything ill be happy cause i have you

even if i fall down i can get up i can bounce back and i will fight back cause you are with me

so many experiences i feel like writing down but you may remember them i suppose

thank you for being with me in sickness and in health, i hope we are together even after death tries to do us apart
it may sound cliche

buts its true


Nilesh j Sakpal


  1. hey a letter to yourself is a great idea..I often write when i want to get my thoughts in order but not in a letter form...but somethin like talking to a mirror..it always helps.

  2. yea just felt like thanking myself :)
